Are You Pleasing God or Pleasing Self?

image021“Whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please Jesus”–2 Corinthians 5:9.

“I have to learn to relate everything to the master ambition, and to maintain it without any cessation. My worth to God in public is what I am in private. Is my master ambition to please Him and be acceptable to Him, or is it something less, no matter how noble?”–Oswald Chambers.

“Someone has pointed out that ours is the only nation on earth where church members feel they have to have ‘worshipful architecture’ before they can adequately honor the Lord. Millions of Christians across the world seem to worship just fine without any kind of bulding. Believers in Malawi meet under mango trees, according to retired missionary Mike Canady, and their worship is as anointed as anyone’s anywhere. . . .Our insistence on worshipful music, worship settings, and worshipful everything are signs of our disgusting self-centeredness”–Joe McKeever.

“There are really no perfect churches in our day. . . . Throughout the world, there are many great churches doing a wonderful work for our Lord, but none are perfect. If you find a perfect church, don’t join it–you’ll ruin it. The church is not a gallery or museum for perfect saints. It is a school for the growth and improvement of imperfect ones”–Ron Herrod.

“The person who loves their dream of community will destroy their community, but the person who loves those around them will create community”–Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

“It’s human nature to look for loopholes in the Scriptures, to want no authority over us than our own wishes”–The Gift.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all you heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest most important commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself”–Matthew 22: 37-39.

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