Getting Ready For Easter

Easter is now two weeks away. We really need to get ready to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Christians have been getting ready for Easter in one form or another since the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and His ascension to the right hand of the Father.

What can we do to make this a special time of worship?

  1. Prepare Your Heart by Prayer and Meditation. Ask God to help you see the real significance of the crucifixion and resurrection. Ask Him to show you His plan for the ages and for the nations and how this all fits into your life. Don’t forget meditation. Think or “brood” over what God has done. Remember, the mother of Jesus “kept all these things in her heart.” We need to do the same.
  2. Read Scripture. The Gospels emphasize the last momentous week of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The Gospel accounts are found in Matthew 26-28, Mark 14-16, Luke 22-24, and John 18-21. Psalm 22 is a parallel to the suffering of Christ. Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is the great prophecy that speaks of the coming Messiah as a suffering servant. All of these passages will help you get ready.
  3. Prepare Your Children. Tell them the meaning of the resurrection. Don’t assume that they naturally know. Use this special time as a special way to teach your children (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
  4. Determine to Live Your Entire Life for God. Getting ready for Easter means serving and loving God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. It means giving God our very life. Anything less than our whole life qualifies as a religious observance, but it is not the life-changing event that God desires.

God wants our worship, and He wants to change our lives. Getting ready for Easter will help us do both.