Deacons are a vital part of FBC Covington. They come along beside the pastors and help minister to the congregation through prayer, hospital visits, times of crisis, phone calls of encouragement, serving of the Lord’s Supper, welcoming members and new attenders in the weekend worship services, and a number of other ways. These men commit to a two-year term, which is on an alternating schedule so that each year half of the Active Deacon Body roll-off, and ‘new’ Deacons roll-on.
During our last congregational meeting on Sunday, November 17, 2024, we elected fifteen men as Deacons to serve a two-year term beginning January 1, 2025. These deacons will serve on the active deacon body for the 2025-2026 calendar year, – joining the 15 current Deacons whose term goes through 12/31/2025.
- Cliff Anglin – Charolette
- Sean Barnes – Ashley
- Kim Carver – Kristyn
- Tim Crabtree – Kathy
- Darrell Fussell – Holly
- Steve Goff – Phyllis (Newly serving)
- Rob Hatley – Josette
- Johnathan Hills – Ayana
- Matthew Johnston – April
- Steve Mikell – Shannon
- Dwayne Schaefer – Terry
- Jacob Schexnayder – Aimee (Newly Ordained)
- Tom Stogner – Beth
- Andrew Stoner – Bethany (Newly Ordained)
- Brad Thompson – Sarah
In the worship services this weekend, Jacob Schexnayder and Andrew Stoner will be ordained – set apart for this ministry by prayer – and we will pray for Steve Goff as he begins his first service as a deacon at FBCCovington.
Please join me in praying for all those who serve the church in this way.
Wednesday, January 8:
This Wednesday, January 8th, we have our monthly fellowship meal at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall, followed by regular activities of Preschool, Children, Youth, GriefShare, DivorceCare, and the Revelation Wednesday Night Bible Study – More Than Conquerors.
Sunday, January 12:
Congregational Business Meeting at 4:00pm.