Today we are rejoicing to have Reverend Colby Rimes visiting with us in view of a call to become our new Connections Pastor at FBC Covington.
You will be able to hear Colby’s testimony and meet his family in all three of our weekend worship services. He and his family will also be available at the conclusion of the services to get to meet as many of you as possible.
Colby and Abbey are both Louisiana natives who have served in First Baptist Church, Zachary, Louisiana, and Woodland Park Baptist Church, Hammond, Louisiana. They have been married for 15 years and have two children, Cooper and Tinley Kate (TK). Abbey works as a kindergarten teacher at Madisonville Elementary School.
Colby meets people extremely well and uses that gift to help people get fully involved in the work and ministry of the church. We have gently described his new position with us as being someone who helps people get from the parking lot to being fully connected to FBC.
Here’s a fun fact: when I was a professor at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, I taught Colby‘s dad. It sometimes is a very small world.
On Sunday, at 4pm in the Worship Center, we will meet for our first congregational meeting of the year. Part of that meeting will be to hear a recommendation from our pastoral team and personnel team that Colby be elected as Connections Pastor of FBC.
Since we have a congregational form of church government, the congregation elects all new full-time pastoral staff. Please join with us for this very important meeting.