Lagniappe: New Attendance Record

This past weekend, First Baptist Church, Covington experienced its largest ever Connect Group (small group Bible Study) attendance. We had a record number of 1988 people.

Anytime you have a record number, it is, of course, very good. The way it happened made it even better. We had record numbers in our youth, children, and preschool departments – more than we have ever had on any Sunday.

All of that is good. What makes it so special is what this does for the church and for individuals. I’ve often said that there is nothing like being in a small group Bible study to help propel your spiritual growth. God uses His Word to speak to His people. To learn about Christ and His transforming power fits at the top of life‘s needs.

I want to thank all of you who attended and all of you who are leaders who week by week make a difference for Christ.

We also had a near record attendance in worship (excluding Easter Sunday). We had over 2700 people in our three worship services. This is the fourth time that we have exceeded the 2700 number.

Why is this important?

First: It is an emphasis on the Word of God and worshiping as the family of God. Anytime we can emphasize these needs we all have; we are doing well.

Second: God uses His Word to make Himself known and to draw people to Himself. We have noticed through the years that people who attend our connect groups usually come to the point of openly confessing their faith in Christ. A Connect Group is an effective tool for proclaiming the gospel.

Third: Studying God‘s Word in the company of other believers helps us to take the next step of becoming more like Christ. It is God‘s goal that we become like His Son. Studying and
discussing the Word of God helps in that essential process.

Would you take this discussion as an opportunity to take the NEXT STEP of finding a Connect Group to which you can belong and where you can serve? Would you also reaffirm your commitment to be in worship with God’s people every week?

These decisions will make a powerful difference in your life.
