Learning to Serve Like Jesus

By: Waylon Bailey ~

Jesus made it very clear that His coming into the world was unlike anyone else on earth.

He came not to be served but to serve. He left that legacy to all those who would follow Him.

How is it that we serve as He did?

First, we recognize that our will must come under the authority of His will. Only as we submit to His guidance will we be able to leave our selfishness behind and look for the good of others.

It’s a matter of the heart. As we deal with our inner person, we will become more and more like Him.

We still have to war with our old nature. In the times when I dare to feel I finally have it conquered, it rears its ugly head with its voracious appetites. Only as I submit humbly to Christ, do I have an opportunity to take myself out of the way so that I can truly serve Him.

Second, we serve to please Him and Him alone. When we are serving to please Him, then our serving will be real and meaningful.

Third, we get beyond the thoughts of what we have given. This is pride and pride will destroy us and harm our witness. God opposes the proud while giving grace to the humble.

If we have to add it up or if we begin to resent the amount we have given, we have not yet arrived at the place of giving because of our love for God.

In the powerful story of the woman in Bethany who anointed the head of Jesus (Mark 14:3-9), some of the disciples and onlookers focused on the cost of the offering instead of the meaning of the offering. Real serving comes only when the cost is no longer a part.

Finally, we serve as Jesus did when our serving comes from our passionate love of Christ.When we love Him passionately (as the woman did), we will serve and give sacrificially.

Each day I write an article about Pastoral Leadership and Christian Living. If you would like to receive your own free copy each morning, you can sign up at waylonbailey.com.

Have a great week!