Today we recognize, honor, and thank Darlene Drivon for her service at FBC.
In 1984 Darlene started attending FBCCov where she immediately began volunteering in our children’s department. In 2004 we divided the children’s ministry responsibilities into children and preschool – soon after that, Darlene became our full-time preschool minister where she has served faithfully for over 19 years.
We will honor Darlene in our weekend services – and with a reception in the Fellowship Hall immediately after the Sunday 11:00AM Worship/Connect Group hour.
Please join us for this “drop-by time” to thank Darlene for her faithful service and wish her “happy retirement.”
Brief Congregational Meeting:
Darlene gave us advanced notice of her retirement, and we have been working to fill this position. We are asking for a brief Congregational Meeting during Wednesday Evening Bible Study – March 13th @ 6:45 – to hear the recommendation from our Personnel Team for the new team member.