It Is All About Relationships

Martha and I had a great time away, but we are excited about being back.

Today marks the beginning of the new school year. In many respects, this is a more significant time then January 1 because this is really the way our year revolves. It’s all about school beginning and ending.

For that reason, the beginning of the school year is a new beginning for all of us.

Relationships are at the heart of everything we do as people. The Bible is filled with relationships. Think about Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Joseph and his brothers, and Jacob and Laban. It goes on and on. In reality, we can’t experience happiness as long as our relationships are out of order.

For that reason my new sermon series is entitled “Living Happily Ever After” taken from Simon Peter’s letter to the persecuted and dispersed church (1 Peter).

In First Peter, the apostle helps the church learn to live happily ever after in spite of all the events around them. We need the same.

I believe this book has the potential to change our lives.

Would you join with me over the next eight weeks as we examine First Peter and look at how we can live happily ever after in spite of the circumstances?

Would you invite your friends to join with us? We’re going to talk about husbands and wives and about children and parents. We’re going to talk about how we relate to our government and to our enemies. I believe this has the potential to change your life

Please join with me beginning next weekend as we talk about “Living Happily Ever After.”