Looking to Visit?
Here's what You can Expect:
3 Great Services…1 Awesome Message!
Saturday Evening Worship at 6:00 pm
You’re invited to experience Jesus in a new way at our more laid-back Saturday service. You’ll have the opportunity to respond to His radical love for us through passionate worship songs, some old and some new. The Word of God is living and active, so the message you hear will focus on helping you apply the ancient text of Scripture to your 21st century life.
Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am - and 11:00 am
Your personal relationship with our Savior is the most important thing to us. We want you to draw closer to Him through singing, praying, listening, and joining with other believers on Sunday morning. Godly community and biblical teaching are life-changing, and God has a plan for what He wants to do in your life at First Baptist Church of Covington.
At the 9:30 am service, you’ll join in an exciting mix of hymns and worship songs led by our choir and orchestra. You will experience the joy of lifting your voice in praise led by nearly 100 instrumental and vocal worship leaders. The dynamic sermon is the same as our other services.
At the 11:00 am service, we invite you to engage with modern worship songs led by our dynamic worship band and vocalists. The sermon will help you internalize the Word of God, applying God’s timeless truth to your present day context.
What is First Baptist Church of Covington like?
We aren't perfect, but Jesus is. Come as you are. There's no dress code here, so wear what allows you to focus on worship. Whether you are passionate about Jesus, still trying to figure it out, or have honest doubts and reservations, you are welcome at FBC Covington. You will be greeted when you walk through the door and embraced by those around you in the Worship Center. Every Sunday we pray, receive verse-by-verse teaching from the Bible, and worship God through a variety of music.
Are you ready to dive in deeper with us?
Start with a Discovery Class. This is the perfect time to ask your questions and learn more about our church’s beliefs, values, vision, and strategy. You’ll also meet the Pastoral Team and other church members so that you can know who you’re worshiping with. You will leave the Discovery Class with a Personal Action Plan to discover your place on the team and find the right Connect Group for you. Learn more about Discovery Class.
The best way to feel connected and comfortable in a new church is to join a Connect Group. These groups are simply gatherings of people from all walks of life who share one common purpose - to know God and live faithfully for Him. Centered around God’s Word and prayer, Connect Groups are the heart of community at FBC Covington.

Biblical Teaching

Authentic Worship

Campus Map

Map Key
- Connection Center – When you have questions, come to the Connection Center to get answers. This large area at the center of the campus serves the needs of both members and guests. Here you’ll easily spot the Information Desk where you can register for events, get informed about ministries, or connect for the first time on our campus.
- Connection Coffee + Cafe – Offering the smells and tastes of coffee, specialty drinks, and snacks, the cafe serves our community and church family virtually every day of the week (closed on Fridays). Centrally located within the Connection Center, the cafe is a great meeting place for you to build relationships with others.
- Equip Bookstore – The Equip Bookstore is the premier Christian bookstore on the Northshore, open to both the church and the community. Here you can find important resources for your spiritual growth and godly gifts for your friends and family.
- Hospitality Room – Built with guests in mind, this room is a meeting space for newcomers to the church to meet our pastors and staff and get acquainted with other church leaders following worship services.
- Home Point – Designed specifically for your family's discipleship, this room’s purpose is to help you build a strong family. Equipped with resources to help with various life issues and stages, the Home Point room is your place to receive encouragement, prayer, and suggestions on how to meet the needs of each family member.
- Family Room Suite – Designed for families with babies and very young children, this suite of rooms includes an outer room where the baby and their parents can experience the worship service via closed-circuit TV and high-quality sound without worrying about disrupting others. The inner room will be a private space for nursing mothers to comfortably experience the worship service. A family restroom is also included in the Family Room Suite for your convenience.
- Volunteers – Our volunteers are a key factor in serving the membership and guests of FBC Covington. The Volunteer Room has secured lockers to hold personal items while volunteers serve throughout the campus.
- Worship Center – The worship center has a seating capacity of 2382 people and is equipped with state of the art audio and video components. The room has been designed to encourage congregational singing with special acoustic panels to allow the congregation to hear themselves sing. The baptistry area is intimately positioned to the left of the room, allowing for friends and family to have a special view of their loved one following the Lord in baptism. Our prayer is that all who enter will encounter God and His word in a special way through the preaching and worship ministries of the church.
- Back of House – Behind the worship center platform is a suite of rooms including a band rehearsal space, a choir & orchestra rehearsal space, a state-of-the-art recording suite for audio and video recording, baptism changing rooms, space to prepare communion, and much more.
- Administration (Church Office) – When you need to find a staff member during the week, the church office should be your first stop. Our friendly administrative assistants will be available to help direct you to the right office.
- Outdoor Baptistry – Located on the south side of the church in the plaza area, the outdoor baptistry is a special place for people to celebrate and declare their new relationship with Christ through believer’s baptism.
- Preschool/Children – This two-story area of our church is bursting with colors and immersed in Scripture verses. The Bayou Corral for toddlers and the Indoor Play Area for older children are located right outside the check-in area of the Preschool on the first floor.
- The Cross – Located between Central Hall and the Connection Center, this 24ft. cross is a central location and icon for our people. Regardless of which entrance you use (South, Central, East, or West), all directions intentionally lead to the cross.
- Central Hall – This large multi-purpose room serves our educational needs and is frequently used for weddings, special events, and fellowship.
Facility Hours
Cafe + Coffee
Sunday: 9am-12:30pm
Wednesday: 9am - 12pm
(during Women's Bible Study)
Saturday: 5pm - 6pm
Sunday: 9am - 12:30pm
Administrative Office
Mon, Tues & Thurs: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Wed: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12pm