Facing Life’s Battles

One of life’s truths is that you can either blame the past or someone else or you can do something about the present. You can’t do both. Those people who live in the past cannot function in the present. Those who blame others cannot deal with the real issues they face.

You see this problem on every level of life. It even works in the church. As we face opposition many people either give up or resort to blame.

How do we as the church respond correctly to the opposition we face from our fallen world?

First, we must accept where we live. We live in a world of rebellion and disobedience. Therefore, we must expect to face opposition. Our adversary, the devil, is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He is cunning and subtle. We should expect powerful opposition.

Second, we must respond to the devil’s attacks with the power of God. God has not called us to follow the evil way. We must respond with God’s power according to God’s plan. God has called us to function as people of light. We fight Satan’s attack by carrying out God’s command to love one another and treat others as we want to be treated.

Third, we must not live the blame game. We must accept life as it is and work to please and glorify God.

Fourth, we must use positive means to overcome our opposition. By living obediently, we will overcome. God works through His Word to make Himself known. As we learn of Him in Scripture, we prepare to deal with the opposition at hand.

Finally, we trust God who has already given us the victory through Christ Jesus our Lord. On numerous occasions, God told His servants the victory was theirs. All they had to do was take up the battle in obedience and faith.

You and I are in that kind of battle. We must face the opposition head on and give our best for God.

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