What Can Mary and Joseph Teach Us?

Mary and Joseph

By: Waylon Bailey ~

This is my preaching plan for Christmas. I am excited about teaching this to my church. You can view the worship services of First Baptist Church, Covington, Louisiana, live by going to the church website www.fbccov.org. Our services are Saturday at 6:00 PM and Sunday at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 AM. You can hear the sermon anytime from the website. Our service is broadcast in the Greater New Orleans area each Sunday at 10:00 AM from WGNO New Orleans.

As many times as I have read the Christmas message in Matthew and Luke, I’ve never thought about what Joseph can teach me about being a man or what Mary can teach about being a woman. And, I’ve certainly never thought about looking for helps for marriage in the marriage of Mary and Joseph.

That’s exactly what I’m going to preach for the month of December. We’re going to look at manhood from the perspective of Joseph and what it means to be a mother and wife through the experience of Mary.

We’re also going to ask what Mary and Joseph can teach us about marriage and about the struggles of life.

We normally assume that admirable people of the Bible generally didn’t struggle in life.

Nothing could be farther from the truth with Joseph and Mary.

Theirs were lives of incredible stress. They lived exciting–and dangerous–lives. They struggled with having the basic necessities plus dealing with one of the worst tyrants in history.

We can learn much from Joseph and Mary.

This will be our schedule.

December 6-7 What Joseph Can Teach Us About Being A Man

December 13-14 What Mary Can Teach Us About Being A Woman

December 20-21 What Joseph and Mary Can Teach Us About Marriage

December 27-28 What Joseph and Mary Can Teach us About Struggles

I hope you will be present each week as we look at God’s Word. Please invite others to join with you as we worship.