What Makes Christians Shine Like Stars?

By: Waylon Bailey ~

The apostle Paul encouraged the believers at Philippi to “Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12).

Paul meant that our salvation cannot be static and only in the past. It must also be very much in the present and in the future.

Paul did not mean that you work for your salvation but that you take your salvation and work it out in the world. There is a huge difference between those two concepts.

Paul called on the Philippian church to get rid of grumbling and complaining, to live lives of purity and blamelessness, and to live as the children of God in a broken and depraved generation. Living in the light of Jesus and according to His character means that those believers will shine like stars in the universe in the darkness of this depraved world (Philippians 2:12-18).

How do we shine as stars in the universe?

First, we do work out our salvation. We let what Christ has done for us shine through everything in our lives. We let the righteousness of God be evident in our lives as we live lives that are pure and blameless before God.

Second, we shine like stars in the universe when we take on the mind and attitude of Jesus. In the same way Jesus died for us, so we sacrifice for the good of others. We take on the mind of gentleness and the mind of a servant. We show compassion, tenderheartedness, and forgiveness in the midst of a corrupt and uncaring world (Ephesians 4:32).

Third, We let our light so shine before others that the world may see our good works and glorify the father in heaven (Matthew 5:14).This makes us shine like stars in the universe.

As the followers of Christ, we must be the “good works” people. As we live our lives faithfully for Him, we reflect His glory and show the power of God to make lives new.

May you shine like stars in the universe this week as you take what God has done in you and work it out in the world.

Have a great week!