By: Waylon Bailey ~
Matthew’s description of the birth of Jesus Christ is very much filled with the Providence (divine guidance) of God.
Again and again, God directs Joseph, and Joseph unquestionably obeys. This is an amazing picture of God‘s sovereignty and human obedience. Both work together to provide for the safety of the child and His mother.
Joseph’s example is a beautiful picture of a godly husband. He listened to God, and God blessed his obedience.
Notice how Joseph provided for his family. When God told him not to be afraid to take Mary home as his wife (Matthew 1:20), Joseph showed no aspects of fear – – either then or subsequently. He simply obeyed the God he knew he could trust. “When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the Angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife, but knew her not until she had borne a son; and he called his name Jesus” (Matthew 1:24-25).
When God told Joseph urgently to “Get up!” and take the child and His mother to Egypt, Joseph got up immediately in the night and began the journey (Matthew 2:14). The angel told him to stay until he received further direction. Joseph did that as well (Matthew 2:13-15).
Later in the events of the narrative, God told Joseph that those who wanted to harm the child were dead. He now should return to Israel. Without hesitancy and without questioning, he obeyed.
Notice the connection between Providence and obedience. This is the picture that we need to see this Christmas. We need to understand that when God calls us we must obey.
God gave Joseph all he needed, and Joseph gave God his all. There is no more beautiful picture of what God wants to do in our lives.
May this Christmas be a time of our obedience to the direction and leadership of our God.
Have a great week!