Last week, I shared with you the good news that the indebtedness of First Baptist Church is now only $1,200,000. Our indebtedness is a result of our relocation from downtown Covington and the building of our 43 acre campus at a cost of over $22 million. In ten years we have almost paid for all
of the campus!
Our indebtedness has decreased because of a number of reasons. First, the faithfulness of many people who have given gifts both small and large. Second, the fact that your giving each week helps pay for the cost of the campus. Third, God has blessed His people and His church. Would you make this year a year to completely retire the debt and position us for building out the master plan that we envisioned years ago?
If we complete our commitments to Destination: Inheritance, we can pay off the indebtedness by the time the campaign runs out at the end of October. Would you please check the commitment you made and where you are in that commitment? If you could not give previously, would you consider doing so now?
One important reminder. Your regular weekly giving funds the ministries of First Baptist Church. It is not the purpose of the church to pay off debt or even to build buildings. We build to provide a place for ministry. Your weekly undesignated giving allows us to do evangelism, discipleship, and ministry. Your weekly undesignated giving funds VBS, camps, youth choir, and a host of other ministries. If you move your regular giving to pay off the debt, we cripple the real ministry of the church. Please make your giving for the debt over and above your weekly giving.
Each month we will give you a report on where we are. This is going to be an exciting year.