I am excited that so many individuals and families are participating in the Ninety Day Challenge.
The Ninety Day Challenge is our call for you to read through the New Testament in ninety days. The New Testament contains about 270 chapters. If you read three chapters each day (about a ten minute activity), you will have read the entire New Testament in ninety days. Many of you are right on track to complete the New Testament by Easter (April 24, 2011).
If you have gotten distracted and are behind on your schedule, don’t worry—and certainly don’t quit. Completing on time is not the goal. It’s simply a convenient way to keep you motivated. The goal is for you to hear and live God’s Word. Reading the Bible allows God the Holy Spirit to speak through His Word to you.
I have two additional challenges:
- For those who didn’t take the challenge, take it now. Set a goal to read the New Testament (Matthew through Revelation) before school starts back in August. Beginning at Easter will give you more than ninety days to complete the NT. This might be a great activity for our young people and children during the summer.
- If you are on schedule to finish the New Testament by Easter, set a new goal. You might want to re-read the New Testament or you might be ready to begin in Genesis. Three chapters a day will make a huge difference.
Small goals are easier to complete. Work out your own formula for reading through the Bible. You will be amazed at how God will use His Word to bring change to your life.
I want to renew my offer to answer your questions about the Bible. Send me an email and I will attempt to help you understand the Scripture.
Please join me as we let God bring change and growth to our lives.