March 2011 is the tenth anniversary of the First Baptist Church in our present location. Since March 2001, we have almost paid for the entire project of relocation and building, an investment of over $22 million. We currently owe about $1 million. If we continue to give as we have, by the end of October we will pay off the current indebtedness.
So, where do we go from here? Those who worshiped with us in the old location know that we have a large master plan that we look forward to completing.
Our Strategy Planning Team is currently working on the Foyer expansion which would add needed space for children, preschool, and adults (particularly senior adults). We would also add a large “Commons Area” where the Steeple is located to provide an entry way to the worship center as well as a gathering place for large groups of people.
This expansion puts us one step closer to building the large sanctuary that we envisioned ten years ago (the current worship center would become two basketball courts and a fitness center).
Would you do three things to help us along the way?
First, pray for the work of First Baptist Church.
Second, continue to be faithful to God in your giving as we pay off our indebtedness and continue to fund the ministries of FBC.
Third, invite others to be a part of our church. Tell them “what it is that knowing Jesus does for you right now.” We exist to help people know and accept Jesus Christ. This is our reason for being.
As our Strategy Planning Team continues its work, they will bring the plans before the church. We hope to have updated plans for you this fall. Please be a part of those presentations.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to celebrate paying off the debt and to dream about the future at the same time?
This is going to be an exciting year!