Lagniappe: Recommit to Your Next Step

Martha and I want to thank you again for the time away to relax and to spend time with our family. While we enjoyed being away, we both love the relationship that we have with all of you and are ready to be back as part of this wonderful church family.

I am excited to begin preaching through the Acts of the Apostles starting next weekend. While I have preached many times from Acts, I have never preached through the book and anticipate it will take the next 10 months or so. Of course, we will take time to emphasize Christmas and Easter and other important issues that may arise.

I want to challenge you to recommit to your NEXT STEP. Do not let busyness take you away from what is most important – your relationship with Christ. We have a number of ways for you to get connected, and I hope you will find your place.

Here are some things you need to know:

➢ It is Promotion Sunday for our Preschool, Children, and Youth Groups.

Wednesday, August 7th:

o We have our Wednesday Night Meal, starting at 5:30PM, in the Fellowship Hall

o All Preschool & Children Activities resume at 6:30PM

o We have a Congregational Meeting, at 6:45PM in Central Hall. This is a very consequential meeting, and we need you to be in attendance. The congregation needs to hear about property and casualty insurance for our buildings. We all know how insurance coverage is becoming very expensive. We will use this time to bring you up to date.

Sunday, August 11th, at 6:00PM we will resume:

o Children’s Choir

o Youth Groups

Wednesday, August 14th, at 6:30PM we will resume our Equip classes:

o Stillness

o GriefShare

o DivorceCare

o Pastor’s Bible Study – More Than Conquerors/A Study of Revelation – 6:45pm in Central Hall
