Lagniappe: Guest Speaker Keith Manuel

This weekend we are honored to have Keith Manuel as our special guest speaker.

Keith is a pastor, speaker, dog trainer, writer, and developer of materials to help people find their value in Jesus.

Keith heads up the evangelism emphasis for Louisiana Baptists. I have asked Keith to get us ready for the 3:16 on 3/16 emphasis for our church. I think that you will find that Keith is a fine communicator of the gospel and a fervent witness to the hope that we have in Christ. I believe that his being with us will encourage us as we invite our friends and family to join us for Connect Groups and worship. Please remember that most people attend a church for the first time because someone invites them.

Since 1985, Keith Manuel has served churches big and small. He loves to tell a story. He loves to share messages of hope with community groups and churches. His ministry is to provide hope in Jesus to ordinary people and pastors – to those who long for God. You can read more about his life and ministry at

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9
