During that brief time in my life when I flew a private plane, we always used a checklist to make sure that everything worked. After all, you never want to hear “oops” in the cockpit. You will be happy to know that a checklist is standard practice for the most accomplished airline pilot.
If it makes sense to use a checklist for flying, how much more that you use a checklist
for your spiritual life.
Please work through the list of areas where you need to be moving. The first two
or three are in the order that they should be followed. After that, the order is not
significant but each item is very important. None should be omitted.
1. Publicly confess your faith in Christ. Jesus told us to do this. That should
be reason enough. At the same time, our psychological nature demands that we make public decisions. Making a public declaration helps us to follow through as we should.
2. Follow Christ in baptism. Baptism is the biblical norm for professing our faith. It signifies our commitment to Christ.
3. Join a Bible Fellowship group. This group will encourage you in your faith and will help you experience Christian growth (just don’t get the idea that any of us is perfect).
4. Attend worship each Sunday. Don’t neglect this (Hebrews 10:24-25).
5. Share your faith in Christ with family, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances.
6. Pray every day. Talk to God personally and be honest with Him. Particularly
pray words of praise and thanksgiving to God.
7. Read the Bible. You should be reading God’s Word daily. This is non-negotiable.
Start in the New Testament and move out from there.
8. Learn particular verses of Scripture. Hide these in your heart (Psalm 119:11). Use them to help you make decisions. Pray the Scripture. Read “Why and How to Pray Scripture” at www.waylonbailey.com.
9. Give an offering each week. If you aren’t giving your money to God, you
probably aren’t giving much else to God. What you do with your money is a test of your commitment to Him. Please make sure that you pass the test.
10. Find a place of ministry and give it your best. You will never really grow until you serve.
The Life in Christ is not a list of ten, and it is not legalistic. Sanctification (our becoming like Christ) occurs because of God’s work in our lives as we participate with Him in the process.
I hope that you will use these “ten” to work with God in your sanctification.