August is always interesting at First Baptist Church. This August has been especially so. Here are some of the blessings that we have experienced.
We have seen many new people connect with our church and with the Lord. FBC exists “to help people know and accept Jesus Christ and through Him to experience life-changing relationships.” The sermon series for August and September is all about this kind of transformation and life change.
This month, we have been excited to see over 2000 people in worship services and over 1400 in Bible Fellowship groups.
We have over forty people signed up for our Discovery Class (Sunday at 5:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall). This class helps people discover who we are and what God wants us to do as a church. We discuss salvation by faith in Christ, baptism, and the meaning and responsibility of church membership. The pastoral team leads the discussion. The pastors enjoy getting to know new people and finding a real connection with them.
Last weekend, sixteen people accepted our special call to consider taking the next step and following Christ in baptism. Many of these have already determined to be baptized next Sunday at our special service at Bogue Falaya Park. Others will be baptized during one of our regular baptism times during a weekend worship service.
The river baptism will be a special time when forty or more people will be baptized. Many of these folks expressed their faith in Christ and are following Him in baptism because of they were the “One Focus” of one of our members. God has blessed your prayers and concern for your family and friends.
Please continue to pray for God’s blessings in the days ahead. Make every effort to please God through your life and ministry.