Last week, I was elected President of the Louisiana Baptist Convention, a position that should enhance my work through First Baptist Church and not detract from it.
My primary responsibility will be to help plan and preside over the annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. I also will become an ex officio member of the boards and agencies of the convention. I may have some times that I will be out for a day or so participating in meetings with the children’s home, Louisiana College, or other entities of the convention. I intend to plan my time well and carry out all of my duties to the best of my ability.
The LBC is in good shape and well led. It doesn’t need an overhaul, but every group needs effective leadership. I want to do my part.
Let my share several goals that I have for this year.
First, I want to remind us all why we exist and why we do the things we do. We are not a voluntary organization. The church, and networks of churches such as the LBC, exists because of our relationship to Jesus. We belong to Him and must obey Him. I want to be a big part of that process.
For that reason, the LBC is asking churches to pray for a great awakening to take place in our state. We are the largest evangelical network in the state. We can lead for Christ.
Second, I want to help communicate the Gospel to our state with passion, integrity, humility, and God’s wisdom. Actually, that’s what an out of state pastor/friend of mind texted me this week.
Third, I want to communicate the good news (Gospel) of God. We have the most positive message in the world. I’ve often said that it’s a sin to make it boring, irrelevant, or out of date by the way we preach, interact, or live.
Fourth, I want to call the convention to unity. Many people said that the 2011 convention was the best they have ever attended. I believe they came to that conclusion because of the spiritually uplifting nature of the meeting. We were called to obedience and faithfulness. Believers want to be used of God. The 2011 convention appeared unified by our common faith and commitment to our task. These are the qualities that make for unity. We are on the same team. We must pull together.
Would you pray for me and encourage me?
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