Let’s All Do A 180

Let’s all do a 180 this year, in baptisms I mean.

Late last year the pastoral team met to talk about what we hope to accomplish in the coming year. You know about our desire to explore opportunities to expand our outreach through multi-site campuses. We believe that we can reach people through extending our healthy church to nearby areas which seem “underchurched” and in need of a healthy church plant. We hope to
present a plan for this multi-site outreach at the May Congregational Meeting.

You also know that we expect to launch our recreation program this year and expand it incrementally over the next few years.
Both of these ministries are outreach oriented and fit into our ultimate goal of making disciples and expanding the Kingdom of God.
That’s where the 180 comes in. We feel led to ask God to give us 180 new believers this calendar year.

Over the past 10 years we have averaged over 80 baptisms per year, a very healthy average that places FBC in the top ten churches among Louisiana Baptists for the number of people baptized. Last year we baptized 122 people, our largest number ever. Our church has grown wonderfully over this time period. Half of all of our growth has come from new believers.

We are thankful for this level of reaching new people. We simply believe that God wants to do more in our congregation and in our area. That’s where you come in. I want to ask you to do three things to help make this possible.

First, pray earnestly and persistently, believing that God will do what we ask. We know that this is His will, but He wants us to ask. Pray for the goal but also pray for specific people to experience God in their lives.

Second, look for specific people to invite to church, share your faith with, and encourage in their faith.
Third, look for every opportunity to give reason for the hope that you have in Christ.

Reaching 180 new believers will be a whopping 47% increase over our highest number ever. This is a huge goal that we are praying for. We believe God will provide if we pray earnestly and seek His blessings and leadership.