These may not be the most uncertain of times, but these times come close to the most difficult for those of us born since World War II.
Many of the great issues about the new year are not yet on the horizon, either personally or as a society. We will face many difficulties in the days to come.
We certainly need God’s Wisdom and God’s intervention. Fortunately, God gives His wisdom freely and liberally to those who turn to Him (James 1:5).
Our new sermon series begins next week. We will talk about “Wisdom for Difficult Times” by looking at the Book of James.
Please join as we examine the wisdom which comes from above.
January 6, 2013, Wisdom When You Suffer, James 1:2-4, 12
January 13, 2013, Wisdom When You Are Tempted, James 1:13-15
January 20, 2013, Wisdom for Relationships, James 2:1-13
January 27, 2013, Wisdom about How You Speak, James 3:1-12
February 3, 2013, Wisdom about Following God, James 3: 13-18
February 17, 2013, Wisdom When You Pray, James 4:1-10
God’s Word speaks to uncertain times. In fact, all of God’s Word came in the midst of difficult circumstances. God wants to guide us through life.
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