March 10, 2013, will mark the first worship service of Metairie Church.
Metairie Church is the first attempt by our congregation in pursuing a multi-campus strategy to reach our area for Christ.
This is how Metairie Church will work. The church will not be separate; it will be First Covington meeting in a different location and ministering specifically to the people of that area.
According to the Bible, as Christians we are in Christ and He is in us. Thus, those meeting in Metairie and those meeting in Covington will be one church meeting in two locations. All of the pastors will minister to the entire flock. Most of our pastors will live and serve on the Northshore while one of our pastors will live and serve on the Southshore.
We will take the strategy, energy, health, and DNA of First Covington to the Southshore.
Metairie Church will gather at 10:00 AM for fellowship and will begin corporate worship at 10:30. The Metairie Campus will provide their own worship music and Campus Pastor Jared Stacy will shepherd the flock during the week. The sermon will be recorded during our Saturday night service and viewed in Metairie on a giant screen. Thus the entire congregation (in the two locations and across five worship services) will hear the same message. We see this as a tremendous asset for vision, unity and health.
Because of space issues in Metairie, Bible Fellowship groups will be formed and will meet during the week either in homes, office buildings, restaurants, or at the church building (3501 Severn). We believe these groups are vital to the growth, unity, and health of the congregation. Pastor Jared has already begun work laying the foundation for these groups.
Please pray for the success of this extended ministry of FBC.
Please tell your friends and family on the Southshore of this exciting new congregation.
May God bless His church.
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