Years ago I preached a sermon with the title: “Why Good Things Happen At Church.” I have no idea what I said–I only remember the title.
I do remember we had seen good things happening at church, and I wanted to reinforce good decisions and attitudes.
Though I really don’t remember what I said or even my outline, I’m sure it went something like this (because these are reasons why good things happen at church).
First, we pray. Prayer must be the first–not the last–thing we do. Often, we make prayer a last resort. It is really the first option for those who wish to access the blessings and guidance of God. It is also the first option for those who want to see good things happen at church.
Second, we recognize “it’s not about me; it’s all about God.” You may not know why good things happen, but we all know why bad things happen at church–people think of themselves and leave God out of the church. Good things happen when we put God first. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.”
Churches often fail because the people of the church think about themselves and ignore God.
Third, the Bible is preached and lived and the Gospel is front and center in the church. If the church is “me-centered,” it will fail. If it is God-centered, we will experience the blessings which God bestows.
Fourth, we emphasize transformed lives.
Finally, we put on the mind of Christ. Having the mind of Christ produces good attitudes and Christ-like actions. Paul urged the believers at Philippi to take up the mind of Christ. He saw the mind of Christ as the answer to disunity and self-centeredness.
There are many other reasons why good things happen at church. Would you join me in practicing all you know to make good things happen at church?
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