Today In Metairie And In Covington

Metairie Church is progressing nicely.

I am looking forward to preaching at Metairie Church this weekend. Of course, I preach each week by means of media, but this week I will preach “live.” After the service in Metairie we have a lunch fellowship. I am excited about being with new and current friends at Metairie Church.

This is the way our sermon works at Metairie Church. We record my live sermon on Saturday night and project it on the big screen at Metairie at their 10:30 AM worship service. Then, I preach three times in Covington Sunday mornings.

For this week, we are going to reverse our process. We will record my Saturday night sermon in Covington and then project it on the big screens Sunday for the three worship hours. I will preach in Metairie live and get to visit with the folks there.

Our new campus in Metairie opened a month ago and we have seen hopeful and encouraging signs about the work there.

Here are the parts I find encouraging:

First, the foundation. Jay Johnston has worked to build a good location and a solid beginning for Metairie Church.

Second, our volunteers. We have several families from our congregation who have helped “seed” the work so that it can sprout and grow.

Third, our ministry families. Jared Stacy serves as our campus pastor and Bryan Umphenour leads our musical worship. I am looking forward to ministering alongside these men today.

Finally, and this is most important, we have seen God’s hand at work. Let us continue to pray for Him to extend His kingdom on the southshore.

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