Moving Toward Our New Building

Thanks to all of you who read this blog. The following words are about events at the local church where I have been privileged to serve as pastor for 24 years. This will give you an idea of my philosophy of leadership and the practical ways I use to inform the congregation. May God bless you in your places of service this weekend.

Most of you know we have discussed moving forward with our master plan by building additional space for preschoolers, children, and adults, and by putting a new “Front Door” on our campus.

All of this will be presented Wednesday, May 29 at 6:15 PM, at our Congregational Meeting.

Our Strategy Planning Team will be making two recommendations.

First, they will recommend that we move forward with the building by empowering them to hire an architect and contractor and direct them to provide construction documents and estimates for the building.

If approved, the final approval for cost and builder will come later in the year or early 2014.

At the Congregational Meeting, you will see this is a large expansion (80,000 square feet) that will move us forward in providing space to grow our vibrant preschool and children’s ministry and add space to Adult Bible Fellowship Groups for our church.

At the current time, we have no additional rooms for Adult Bible Fellowship Groups at the main Bible Study hour (9:45). This expansion will allow us to move forward with what we believe God wants our local congregation to do.

Second, the Strategy Planning Team will recommend that we enter into a Capital Campaign named “Rise Up!” to provide funds for the construction.

This motion will allow us to go before the church to ask for extra funds to provide for the new building. If approved, then we would make our pledges as a church on October 20, 2013, and give the funds over a three year period in the calendar years 2014, 2015, and 2016.

We recognize the magnitude of these recommendations. Please pray for God’s guidance for our leadership and pray for God’s direction for your life.

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