Moving Forward On The FBC Master Plan

This past Wednesday night First Baptist Church voted to move forward with an 80,000 square foot addition to our campus. The building will provide space for preschool, children, and adults of all ages. It will allow us to provide office space and a large welcoming area which will figuratively and literally become the front door of the church.

This will put us in position to better influence our community with the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It will also position us to complete the master plan for our campus as we move toward building the new sanctuary and turning the existing sanctuary into a family life center (two basketball courts and other recreation facilities).

I am thankful for the vision of First Baptist Church both today and in the past. We all anxiously await to see how God will use all this.

The church also voted to enter into a capital fund raising campaign to raise an additional $7 million to help fund the addition.

We are only getting started with this new expansion of our facility. We have a long way to go and we have many decisions to make.

These are two areas which need to be emphasized.

First, we need to pray about all things in our lives. We certainly need God’s leadership in this endeavor. We do not want to go anywhere He is not leading, nor do we want to do nothing when He wants us to move forward. Please pray specifically for the Strategy Planning Team as they make important decisions.

Second, begin to ask now what God wants you to give for this capital campaign. I have begun this process in my life. I hope you will do the same.

I believe God wants to do great things through this local part of His body. Let us be those people who faithfully serve and follow Him.

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