I am excited about my sermon this weekend. (BTW, if the pastor who preaches is not excited about the sermon, we are in trouble).
The story is the call of Matthew to serve as Jesus’ disciple and what Matthew did in response (Matthew 9:9-17).
This is what Matthew did. He invited other tax collectors and sinners to a dinner party. At the dinner party, Matthew introduced his friends and associates to Jesus. His dinner party became an explanation of why he left his old life behind and embraced the new life in Christ.
Jesus and His other disciples joined with Matthew in hosting the party and inviting their neighbors and family to join them. The Gospel of Mark also gives the story of Matthew’s commitment to Christ (Mark 2:13-17).
The people in Capernaum (the home of Jesus and Matthew) had to have wondered what had happened to Matthew. He was a very successful business man who enjoyed the favor of Rome. Other business people must have been puzzled why someone in Matthew’s position would leave such success behind in order to follow Jesus.
Your friends may be wondering the same about you.
“My Hope” is an emphasis of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to help you explain your story in a fun, joyful, non-threatening environment. The event will take place in November. Today, we are simply asking you to register your interest in finding out the details and, if your interest continues, to be trained to make the most of the time God has given to you. Paul told us to be wise toward outsiders, choosing just the right words to speak (Colossians 4:5-6). Please let us help you reach your friends with just the right words and the right approach.
God wanted you to know Him. He wants your family, friends, and neighbors to know Him as well.
Will you help us communicate what God can do in a person’s life?
I would also appreciate your sending this to others as well. Waylonbailey.com is my ministry across the Internet. Thank you for reading and sharing.