Years ago someone told me that most people are more concerned with life before death then life after death. We are simply consumed with the present. Life becomes hard and people are trying to make it day by day. The poet William Wordsworth eloquently described how we are so involved in what’s happening right now. “The world is too much …
I Can’t Imagine Being Hopeless
By: Waylon Bailey ~ Yesterday I preached from the fifth chapter of John concerning the paralyzed man at the pool of Bethesda. The Pool at Bethesda contained scores of people experiencing hopeless situations. The blind, lame, and withered away waited at the pool for some chance at hope. You can imagine how it must have looked. Healthy Jews would never …
The Best Hour of the Day
By: Waylon Bailey ~ One of the highlights of my day is what happens early in the morning in our offices at First Baptist Church. We meet together for the first fifteen minutes to pray about our day, asking God for His direction and leadership. It’s such a blessing to begin the day in this way. We pray for you …
What’s Most Important for 2015?
2015 is a year of difficulty and challenges. We’re going to need many things to live through the days ahead, but there are some things which are most necessary. Here are some areas which are the most important for the days ahead. “A baptism of holiness, a demonstration of godly living is the crying need of our day”–Duncan Campbell. “Therefore, …
Is God Speaking to You?
Years ago I had an unusual encounter with someone who believed God had done a miracle in his life. By the way, I don’t doubt miracles or that God enters into the lives of individuals. I do have questions about encounters which do not reflect the truth of Scripture. My friend told me of his experience. He was attending a …
What Your Crisis Can Do For You
No one wants a crisis, but God’s Word shows us God works all things together for our good (Romans 8:28; Philippians 1:12). I was reminded of the power of those words this week as I looked at a New Testament owned and cherished by Martha’s uncle. In 1917, Elmer Layton, of Route 4, Brantley, Alabama, shipped out to West Virginia …
If Only I Had Known…
If only I had known… How many times have you had to say, “If only I had known . . .” One of the things we all need is wisdom to make good, Godly decisions. I have really good news. God has equipped us with the wisdom that we need. He provides for us the wisdom which is “from above.” …
Learning From Your Crisis
By: Waylon Bailey ~ Not everyone experiences the same things in life, but we all have crises. The official who came to Jesus was in the midst of a crisis. His son was ill and was at the point of death. He walked 20 miles (from Capernaum to Cana) to ask Jesus to heal his son (John 4:46-54). The …
Ashley Carpenter & Axle Pitre Baptism Videos
“I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.” Luke 12:8
Easter is Our Super Bowl
By: Waylon Bailey ~ I smiled as one of our pastors described the importance of Easter Sunday. He said: “Easter is our Super Bowl. It’s the biggest day of the year. If we don’t make it happen on Easter, we have missed a real opportunity.” While that may be an exaggeration, it is only a slight exaggeration. Easter is a …