Beginning in August, my preaching plan will involve a sermon series from Acts called “Turning Points.” The Book of Acts shows a series of turning points that changed everything. One way to look at Acts is seeing how God worked in Acts to break down barriers.
As I have been studying and planning for the sermons, several recurring points have stood out to me. One of those is the importance of leadership. Again and again in Acts, God used strong leaders to convey the message of God across nations, cultures, and religions. In the face of unyielding opposition, these leaders stayed the course and proclaimed God’s message.
In all ages and in every situation, leadership is mandatory. John Maxwell says everything rises and falls on leadership. That truth is evident everywhere. Simply look around. One business thrives while its competitor languishes. In most cases, it has to do with leadership. It’s the same in most
every organization, particularly in churches.
The Book of Acts shows that God chooses leaders. Think of the Apostles replacing Judas with Matthias. One area where leadership comes to the forefront is found in Acts 6. The church had issues related to different groups. The Apostles asked the church to appoint men of good reputation,filled with the Holy Spirit, and known for wisdom to lead the church through its difficulties as it grew and spread the Word of God.
The New Testament gives two offices in the church. Pastors, also known as overseers, bishops, and elders, and deacons. The meaning of the word deacon is “servant,” a word which Paul and others applied to themselves regularly.
In the coming months, FBC Covington will select twelve deacons to serve a two year term of servanthood. At the present moment, the Deacon Nominating team is seeking a slate of 16-18 men of good reputation and filled with the Holy Spirit to serve the church. You can help that process by praying and recommending men to serve. You may turn the
names in to the church office in a plain envelope.
Please be much in prayer as we seek to find God’s leadership for the church.