It’s hard not to feel good about happy, well-behaved children and loving, Godly leaders. That is what we have experienced this week
I want to thank all of you who have volunteered. Each of you has other places to be and other things to do, yet you chose to give this week to children, to the church, and to God. Thank you for your service.
This week’s theme was the amazing power of God. Each day involved an adventure in God’s power. For the five days, we explored God’s power over creation, over our circumstances, over sin, over death, and over our lives. The children learned they can depend on God for all of life.
More than 30 children made first time decisions for Christ. Our leaders are now following up with that group and an equal number who expressed having followed Christ but not yet identifying with Him in baptism.
You have heard me say before that age 9 is about the most religious time of a child’s life. They have more of an openness to God than at any other time. This does not mean everyone should be saved at age 9, it simply is a wonderful time when children are open to God
Age 9 is such an ideal time because of the cumulative effect of sin on our lives. Thankfully, many children have not yet experienced the debilitating effects of human sin.
We were blessed to enroll 1049 children and 449 volunteers (thru Thursday). Both of these numbers made our VBS the largest ever. Each day well over 1100 people were involved in VBS.
I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.
BTW, It’s A Boy!–Luke Bradford Kirby, 7 pounds, 5 ounces, pictures tomorrow! Grandchild number four.
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