Got A Bucket List?

What do you have on your Bucket List? You know, the things you want to do before
you “kick the bucket.”

Last week, I received an email from a woman who talked about her bucket list.
Last spring, we had another woman attend one of our worship services who had a
visit to our church on her bucket list.

What’s on your list? As a follower of Christ, what should be on your list?

I spent this last week with the wonderful people of the Spotswood Baptist Church
of Fredericksburg, Virginia. I had the opportunity to preach for their revival services. I was shocked at the church. They listen as intently as you do. I don’t find many other churches where that is the case. They have a wonderful church and gracious pastor and wife (Drew and Judy Landry who are both from Louisiana).

My last sermon of the week asked the question: “What Are You Planning for the
Rest of Your Life?” I remember reading in Reader’s Digest about a couple from
somewhere in the northern part of the country who were blessed to live their
dream. They sold their business, moved to Florida, and bought a yacht. The article
described what they did: mainly nothing. They collected seashells from their visits
to different beaches.

I have no problem with retirement, beaches, or yachts, but I know that God called
us to use our lives to serve Him.

What are you planning for the rest of your life? Maybe we all need a bucket list.
What would be on your list?

Let me give you some ideas for your list. I hope that you have plenty of your own
such as places to visit and things to do, but I hope that the following areas will
dominate your list.

Plan to honor God with all of your life.
Plan to take someone (hopefully many people) to heaven with you.
Plan to honor God with your material possessions and to use those
possessions for His kingdom.
Plan to serve God for all of your life and please Him.
Plan to find a ministry and accomplish it for His purpose.

May God be proud of your bucket list!