Happy Mother’s Day

May God bless our mothers. You have been given the greatest of jobs—to bear and nurture children. It is a God-given job.  I pray God’s blessings over you today.

Today is Parent/Child Dedication Day at First Baptist Church. A number of families will present their children before the church and before the Lord. I am thankful for these families and the blessings that our Lord has presented to them.

Why do we have Parent/Child Dedication and what do we hope to accomplish?

Let me quickly point out that this is quite different from infant baptism. Because the Bible does not endorse or encourage infant baptism, neither do we. We seek, as best we can, to follow the teaching of Scripture in all things. So why do we have the Parent/Child Dedication?

First, in Old Testament times, families presented their children before the Lord. It was their recognition that their child was a gift from God. Even Jesus was presented before the Lord in this manner.

Second, we want to rejoice with those who rejoice. What a great time to welcome grandparents and other family members to our church as they celebrate the blessings of God over their families. We love families and want to join with them in making this a great family time.

Third, the Parent/Child Dedication culminates a time of training by the parents. They have participated in a mandatory class to help them grow in the Lord and lead their children to grow in the Lord. I am proud of these parents for taking their God-given responsibility so seriously.

Fourth, it is a time for the church as a whole to pledge its support for these families.

Finally, it is a time when we come before God in real commitment. Let us all commit to live for God and please Him in all that we do.