Ten years ago next month, we moved to our present location from downtown Covington. The church building had been in the same location from 1904 until March 2001. We moved simply because we outgrew the former location. The church buildings were on 2 ¼ acres without adequate parking, worship room, or Bible Study space. It was a difficult decision that proved to be a blessing from God.
Today, we have 43 acres with adequate parking and new up-to-date buildings. While we still do not have enough Bible Study space, it is because we have continued to grow and progress. God continues to draw people unto Himself, and the church continues to grow in attendance, baptisms, and new ministries.
Ten years ago we occupied new buildings that cost $14 million. Since that time we have completed two new buildings (The ROC), recreation fields, a portable building for additional space, and a number of smaller projects and improvements. The total cost of all our buildings is over $22 million. Our insurance company values the buildings on campus at $27 million. We have no real idea of the value of the land. Amazingly, in 1997 we paid $600,000 for our 43 acres!
Now, ten years later we owe $1,200,000 on the entire campus. We have much to be thankful for. If we complete our Destination: Inheritance commitments, we will have paid off all of our debt by the end of October.
I want to ask you to join with me and the entire church to pay off the current indebtedness. As you continue to give for Destination: Inheritance, you will be retiring this debt. Would you work to complete your commitment? If you are new, would you join with others in the church to give extra amounts to pay off the indebtedness? If you were unable to commit or to give three years ago, would you consider giving now?
This should be an exciting year.