It’s Not How You Start . . .

It’s not how you start out in life that matters, it’s how you finish that counts.

This week’s Super Bowl in New Orleans illustrates this perfectly. Along with the Super Bowl comes recruiting season as well. In the Southeastern Conference (SEC), we have three seasons. We have the regular season, spring football, and recruiting season.

In recruiting season, we count stars (five stars denotes a can’t miss prospect who will be a superstar and move quickly to the NFL). The more four and five star players our team has means we are going to be great three or four years from now.

That is the way life is supposed to work, but it doesn’t work that way–not in football and not in life.

It’s not how you start; it’s how you finish.

Look at the two starting quarterbacks for the big game. They are now household names even though we may not be able to spell their names.

Colin Kaepernick grew up in California and took the only college offer he received. He went to the University of Nevada. According to which you recruiting service you followed, he was either a two star or three star prospect. In the SEC, he would have been a failure to begin with.

Even coming out of Nevada, Kaepernick was not a great NFL prospect. Several college quarterbacks were drafted before him. He will be the starting quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers.

Joe Flacco, who will lead the Baltimore Ravens in the Super Bowl, was a three star prospect. He signed with Pittsburgh and threw one pass before transferring to Delaware. In case you are wondering, Delaware is known as the Mudhens. The name doesn’t strike fear in any opponent.

Flacco will start at QB for Baltimore.

In football, it’s how you finish that counts. So it is in our life with God.

We all started out as sinful people, alienated from God, without hope and without God in the world, but God in Christ did a marvelous thing. He stretched Himself on the cross to make us who started badly end up gloriously.

Wherever you are in relation to God, it doesn’t have to go on this way. It can be better.

Turn to God. Ask Him to live within you. Ask Him to do for you what you cannot do for yourself.

It’s not how you start but how you finish that counts.

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