Lagniappe: Happy Independence Day

Fun facts about Independence Day!

The Declaration of Independence was approved on July 2 and adopted on July 4, 1776.

Ratification of the U.S. Constitution was on March 4, 1789.

Fun facts about Louisiana!

Originally, eight Northshore parishes were not part of the Louisiana purchase but were known as the Independent Republic of West Florida. Thus, St. Tammany Parish is known as one of the “Florida Parishes”.

Louisiana received statehood in 1812 as the 18th state.

Covington was founded in 1813 – originally named Wharton and changed to Covington in 1816.

Fun facts about First Baptist Church Covington:

First meeting of the church was held on February 14, 1904 – sponsored by Bogue Falaya Baptist Church in Folsom.

FBC “Cottage” was the first place to worship in downtown Covington.

In 1946, after “the boys returned from the war”, FBC began building a new building at the corner of 23rd & Jefferson. It was our primary worship space from 1946 – 1984 and is now used by another congregation.

Pastors of FBCCov:
Dr. Baxter Pond served 2 stints (1944-1954 & 1956-1965)
Rev. Calvin Garner (1954-1956)
Dr. Guy Futral (1966-1980)
Dr. Reid Doster (1980-1984)
Dr. Sidney Young (1984-1988)
Dr. Waylon Bailey (1989-present)

July at FBCCov

Martha and I want to thank you for your gracious gift of time away during July. While we are looking forward to this time you can be assured that we will miss you and will be ready to return and serve with you in August.

REMINDER: During the month of July, there will be NO Tuesday Men’s Breakfast or Wednesday night activities. All of these activities will be back in full swing starting August 6th!
