Lagniappe: The IMB and the Burkhalters

Did you know that FBCCov works in cooperation with thousands of churches across the United States sending missionaries around the globe carrying out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations? We do this through the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.

International Mission Board Facts (based on IMB 2023 Annual Report):

  • 3,532 missionaries
  • 67 new people groups engaged
  • 178,177 new believers
  • 102,417 baptisms
  • 21,231 new churches formed

This weekend we are blessed to have Travis and Beth Burkhalter and family, IMB Missionaries in Medellin, Colombia. The Burkhalters work with the Embera, an indigenous people group in Colombia.

A number of the Embera people find themselves displaced from their own lands due to armed groups, violence, and the dangers surrounding coca production. They flee to cities such as Medellin and Bogota for safety, medical care, to sell the jewelry they make, and education for their children.

Embera Faith and Spirituality:

  • They believe in a creator god and in spirits.
  • Those in their community that communicate with spirits are called Jaibanas. They are much like a shaman or witch doctor.
  • The Jaibanas are known for their power to heal, curse, or kill.

What does all of this mean for those who work with the Embera trying to help them know Christ? The spiritual battle is real. Spirits have power, but not like Jesus. The Embera live in constant fear of not only those spirits, but also of armed groups and death. The biblical answer to fear is faith in Jesus. He is the answer.

Please pray, lifting up the Burkhalters and others like them who are doing great work around the world helping people like the Embera know Jesus Christ.

As you give, know that resources are going to support God’s redemptive work around the world.
