Sunday afternoon, September 1st, at 4:00PM the church will gather at the Bogue Falaya Park, 213 Park Drive, Covington (downtown Covington) to participate in a time of river baptism for new believers.
Why baptism and why in the river?
First, we baptize because of the consistent teaching of Holy Scripture. Baptism is one of the two ordinances (commandments) found in Scripture for the church to practice. As a result, as far as I am aware, all Christian groups practice baptism.
Second, we follow our method of baptism because of the teaching of Holy Scripture as well. In the New Testament, everyone saved was baptized. The baptism came after salvation and not before it. Like Jesus, those in the early church were baptized (the word itself means “to dip”) or immersed in the water.
Third, we baptize because of the example of Jesus who was baptized by John the Baptist at the beginning of His ministry. And because Jesus gave the command to go into all the world with the gospel, to baptize and teach those new disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).
Fourth, we baptize because by doing so we identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Paul made this plain in Romans 6:1-11. When we are lowered into the water, we identify with the death and burial of Christ. When we are raised out of the water, we identify with His resurrection.
Finally, we baptize at the river to remind ourselves of Jesus’ own baptism in the Jordan River and to emphasize to our community, and ourselves, the magnificent hope we have in Christ.
Please join us as we witness the baptisms. If you have not yet turned to Christ or followed Him in baptism, please let your teachers, pastors, or deacons know. We would love to point you toward Christ.