Lagniappe: Calling Out the Called

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to participate in a roundtable discussion about Calling Out the Called – which is a way of helping followers of Christ recognize God’s call for them to serve in a vocational role in ministry.

God calls all of us to minister, but He also calls specific people to accomplish specific tasks as a “full-time” minister to the church. We have many of those people who serve our church, and we are all very appreciative of their work.

But we have a problem. We don’t have enough workers to serve churches, especially as lead pastors of the church.

Would you join with me in praying for God to call out people? Would you gently encourage people that you believe to be called for these purposes?

In that regard, we have a wonderful opportunity on Sunday afternoon, November 3rd at 4:00PM, in The Chapel to set-apart and affirm Andrew Ardoin as a minister of the gospel.

Andy is the son of Trudie Ardoin, who is a member of our church. He has served with his wife Lydia as a missionary to south Asia for years and has now been called to be the pastor of the First Baptist Church of White Castle, Louisiana. He is filling a crucial place for the gospel in White Castle, and I am thankful that God has put him in this place. We will use this time to ordain him to the gospel ministry.

Ordination is the time when we affirm that we see this person as having been set apart for God’s service. It is a time of prayer and encouragement, and I hope you will join us. The service itself will last less than an hour, and it will be followed by a time of fellowship. Some of the people from White Castle will be with us, and we look forward to getting to know them.

This service will become a means of our helping to Calling Out the Called. Please join with us.
