Last week I encouraged you to pray for the presidential election; that God would move mightily over our land, that we would repent of our idolatry, our immorality, and seek God with all our hearts. I want to challenge you to continue to pray for all of our leaders and for the unity of our nation.
GriefShare & DivorceCare: Surviving the Holidays: Classes on Sunday, November 10, 5:00pm. For those who are grieving and/or struggling through divorce, these classes are designed to help you manage holiday stresses that come with loss, family events, and social gatherings.
Veterans Day – Monday, November 11. Veterans Day is a day to thank LIVING veterans for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to our national security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who served – not only those who died – have sacrificed and done their duty. I want to thank each and everyone of our veterans for their service that keeps our nation “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
Discovery Class – Sunday, November 17, 12:00pm – 2:30pm, in the Fellowship Hall – lunch will be served. Would you like to become a member or learn more about becoming a member of First Baptist Church Covington? Join us for our LAST Discovery Class for 2024. This class will help us get to know you and answer all your questions about being a part of our church family. You can sign up online or in the Hospitality Room.
Congregational Meeting – Sunday, November 17, 4:00pm, in the Worship Center. We will discuss our 2025 proposed budget, vote on Ministry Team personnel, confirm the selection of deacons for the 2025 year, and update you on insurance and other church business. Please join us for this important meeting.