Lagniappe: Making the Next Step the Right Step

We are thankful for how you have embraced Taking the Next Step. We have seen wonderful signs of Christian growth and deeper commitments.

Beginning today and going through June, I will be preaching about the Next Steps which are common to all of us. These are big steps that help us become more devoted followers of Christ and propel us forward in our service for Him.

Today I am preaching about Making the Next Step the Right Step from Acts 16:1-10 and Philippians 2.

In the coming weeks we will look at these steps:

➢ A commitment to full devotion to Christ and His service.
➢ The necessity of following the ordinances – baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
➢ Faithful worship – both in our daily walk and in meeting with the church.
➢ Study of Scripture.
➢ Daily prayer – living in close proximity to God.
➢ Generous living and Biblical giving.
➢ Seeking God’s will and direction for our lives.
➢ Serving the Body of Christ by using our spiritual gifts.
➢ Dealing with “besetting sins” and laying aside the weights that hinder us.
➢ Sharing what Christ has done for you and taking others to heaven with you.

I look forward to worshiping with you and sharing God’s Word concerning the Next Steps.
