Mark Your Calendar

Public schools begin in less than a month. It’s time to get back on a schedule and look at the opportunities that a new school year brings. I hope that you will make this August like the beginning of the new year—a time to reflect about where you are in your relationship with God. Here are several places where you can get plugged in.

Find a Bible Fellowship Class. From Saturday night to Sunday morning we have a class for you and your family. Check, stop by a Welcome Kiosk, pick up a brochure, call the church office, or ask a pastor to help you find your place.

Sign Up for Impact University. Information will be available to sign up on our website by the end of July. Classes are held on Sunday and Wednesday evenings, beginning August 21 and 24. Children and youth ministries meet at the same times.

Attend the Discovery Class August 28 @ 5:00 PM. This is a who we are, how to get involved class. Sign up on the church website and we’ll have dinner and childcare ready for you and your family.

Recommend someone to serve as a Deacon at FBC. FBC follows what we understand to be the biblical model for primary church leadership— Pastors and Deacons. The church elects deacons from the membership. Do you know a man who is leading and serving the church already? Someone who exhibits godly conduct and character? Someone who loves the church and is loyal to it? We would like to know your suggestion. Please submit names in a plain envelope in the offering plate or the church office. Not all will be selected, but all will be considered and prayed over.

Attend the Congregational Meeting August 17 @ 6:15 PM in the
Fellowship Hall. We have an exciting meeting at a new time—Wednesday night, dessert fellowship included. We meet for an hour to discuss business that the congregation must be a part of and to talk about the vision for our future—including the new Foyer expansion.
It’s going to be a fun fall. Hope that you will join us and get really involved at FBC.