This Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 6:45 PM, we will meet in the church Fellowship Hall for a brief meeting to hear the recommendation from our Personnel Ministry Team and our Pastoral Team that Karen Walls be elected as our Preschool Minister.
Karen has served with us for seven years, and we have gotten to know her well. During these years, we have seen her deep commitment to God, outstanding work ethic, and excellent organizational and relational skills.
As you know, this is a very important position in our church, and we believe that Karen fits this area of service well.
During the weekend worship services, you will have an opportunity to be introduced to Karen by video as she tells us about her relationship with the Lord.
Karen and her husband, Glenn, have been married for 28 years and have two adult children, Zachary and Emily. We have enjoyed getting to know this family as they have served in various capacities in the church, primarily in the music area.
The meeting on Wednesday night will only take a few minutes and this will be our only agenda item. Immediately afterwards I will teach from the Sermon on the Mount. Those who are coming just for the congregational meeting can then be dismissed to go to their regular classes and meetings on Wednesday nights.
We hope you will join us for this important meeting.