New Sermon Series–Taking The Way Of The Cross

We all have to take the way of the cross. No other way of devotion to God exists. We either take up the cross or we deny Christ.

This is the gist of the new sermon series which begins this week and ends with the resurrection of Christ. Please plan to participate in each sermon.

You can view the sermons on our church website When you get to the site, click on Resources and then Sermon Series Videos. You can then pick the one you wish to hear. The website also contains my sermons and those of our guests for the last two years. The new sermons are usually up within twenty-four hours.

We will spend the next six weeks examining the words, actions, and deeds of Jesus as He took the way of the cross. Because he took the way of the cross, we can as well.

These are the texts we will examine.

February 23-24, 2013, Questions for the Way of the Cross, Mark 8:34-38.

March 2-3, 2013, The Transfiguration, Mark 9:2-13

March 9-10, 2013, Jesus before the High Priest, Mark 14: 53-65

March 16-17, 2013, The Crucifixion, Mark 15:16-32

March 23-24, 2013, “My God, My God, Why. . . ,” Mark 15:33-39

Easter, March 30-31, 2013, The Resurrection, Mark 16:1-8

Please let the next weeks be a time of glorying in the cross and learning the power of His resurrection.