Super Bowl Saver Malcolm Butler Receives Amazing Gift

Untitled designTom Brady is the Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl XLIX, and the New England Patriots are the world champions.

Neither of those would have happened without little known and underappreciated Malcolm Butler.

If you would like to read more about Malcolm Butler, click here:

To show his appreciation for what Malcolm Butler did, Tom Brady gave the Red Chevy Colorado he received as the Most Valuable Player to Butler.

Butler was the surprise hero of the Patriots’ win. With less than a minute remaining in the game, Butler stepped in front of a Russell Wilson pass in the end zone to win the game.

Amazingly, Butler has only started one game for the whole year. Yet, he won the game.

We can all learn something from the actions of Malcolm Butler and Tom Brady.

First, Butler reminds us to be ready at whatever comes our way. Malcolm Butler said this after the game: “I just had a vision that I was going to make a big play and it came true. I’m just blessed. I can’t explain it right now. It all comes with preparation. . . I just went and made a play. It’s crazy.”

Second, Brady’s gift shows the beauty of gratitude. This is how gratitude works: when people see Butler driving the pickup, they will think of Tom Brady. While it seems strange, expressing gratitude to others always comes back to bless you.

Third, Malcolm Butler’s play shows the importance of a team. Most great events are not done by a lone individual but by a prepared person who works with others to accomplish their goals.

It makes me think of Christ’s church. We all are called to serve God by means of our different gifts. We can’t all be the quarterback, but we all contribute to the success of the team. When we work together, we can fulfill our mission on earth.

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