Thankful For A Caring Church

Martha and I want to thank you for our time to be away. We are enjoying the rest and already looking forward to returning in August.

Several people have written to encourage me and to remind me how blessed we are to have pastors we can count on to preach and to do congregational care during this time. I agree and thank God for them. I also thank God for you who minister year round in your Bible Fellowship Groups and in the congregation and community at large.

Though I am not present, worship and Bible study will continue wonderfully at FBC. You will be blessed to hear Bill Boren, Clif Smith, and Jay Johnston preach this month. Please continue to open your hearts to God as you study the Scripture together.

During the month of July, Dr. Jeff Griffin, professor at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, will lead Bible studies each Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM. Jeff is an excellent teacher with a heart for ministry. Please join him each Wednesday.

In August I will begin a new sermon series on forgiveness entitled “Forgiving and Letting Go.” Do you face anything more difficult than letting go of the past hurts you have experienced? Of all the things I see people struggle with, forgiveness, letting go, and moving forward with freedom stand near the top of the list.

You can do without many things in life, but it is difficult to live well without forgiveness. I hope you will invite your friends and family to join with you as we hear God’s Word about forgiveness.

May God bless His church.

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