Super Bowl XLIX ended on a bizarre play that robbed Seattle of certain victory and gave another title to the New England Patriots.
The play went down like this. With under three minutes in the game, Tom Brady led the Patriots to a game winning touchdown, but, of course, the game wasn’t over. Russell Wilson almost did the same for Seattle. With over a minute on the clock, Wilson had Seattle inside the ten yard line and ready to take the lead and the championship.
Seattle was actually trying to run out the clock so that Brady and the Patriots wouldn’t have time to drive for another touchdown.
Instead of giving the ball to Marshawn Lynch, one of the best running backs in the league, Seattle inexplicably tried a slant play inside the two yard line. Malcolm Butler (more on him tomorrow) intercepted and the game was sealed.
I’m not qualified to call plays in the NFL or even little league. So this is not a criticism of the Seahawks’ coaches.
It does show how one decision can make all the difference in football and in life.
Our lives are filled with decisions. From “Where are we going to eat?” to “How am I going to live my life?” we are constantly deciding.
I want to remind you that your decisions have consequences. What you decide today may determine how you live tomorrow or it could determine how you live the rest of your life.
We all need guidance.
Fortunately, God has promised to guide us through life. The Bible is filled with God’s promises in this matter. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
God wants to show us the way. He cares for us, and He will lead us when we trust Him with all our hearts.
Seek God and He will be found, Ask Him to show you the way.
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