By: Waylon Bailey ~
We are all thrilled and amazed with people who make the most of their opportunities. We see them particularly in athletics. It’s wonderful and amazing to rejoice with those who rejoice.
We also see people from difficult backgrounds who rise to the top of their professions or build a family when they never knew what a family could be.
The apostle Paul talked about making the most of every opportunity (Colossians 4:5). In doing this, he used a Greek word for time that means “opportunity time.”
While Paul encouraged the Colossians to make the most of every opportunity, he gave them an example of what that means.
In prison because he loved the Lord and preached the gospel, Paul asked the church at Colossae to pray for him that he might make the most of the opportunities he had.
He specifically asked the Colossian church to pray for him that God would open doors for him and that he would communicate the gospel clearly.
Paul wanted to use his opportunity for God.
Where are your opportunities for eternity and where does God want you to use them?
If prison is a good place to preach the gospel, what about home, school, or work?
Paul told the Colossians to be wise in the way they acted toward outsiders. Paul knew they had an amazing “opportunity time” to influence the people around them.
Sometimes we miss the point of why we tell about the gospel. We are not speaking about faith for argument sake; we seek to make the gospel plain and to communicate about it as it truly is that people may know God.
The gospel is life changing and hope giving. It stands on its on. We simply need to show what it has done for us.
For this reason, Paul encouraged the church to “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:6).
Have you prayed about your opportunities to speak about the gospel?
Have you thought about what you might say and how you might say it?
Have you looked for the perfect “opportunity time” to tell the most important thing God has done for you?
Have a great week!