We Are Glad You Are Here!

Welcome to First Baptist Church!

Many of you are new today or have started attending during this summer. We are thankful that you are here. Please come again, and please prayerfully consider making FBC your church home.

We have a place for you in a small group Bible Study (our Bible Fellowship classes) and a place in service and ministry through FBC. We want to invite you to attend our Discovery Class Sunday August 28th at 5:00 PM. This class is designed with you in mind.

The Discovery Class answers such questions as what we believe and what matters to us. We discuss our belief in the Bible as the Word of God and our understanding from the Bible that Jesus is the only way to a life with God. Many people attend because they are interested in the teaching of the Bible concerning baptism.

We also discuss how you can become a part of the church and the kind of commitment that we ask you to make. You may sign up at www.fbccov.org or simply call the church office.

I want to congratulate those of you who are not new to FBC. One year ago today, we began our schedule of three worship services. You made that big day one of the easiest major decisions that I have seen in church life. The worship schedule is major because it affects everyone. The choice that you made last year was just such a decision. Everyone had to make some kind of change.

You made the change with grace, and you decided to make the decision in the long-term best interest of the church. When churches make those kinds of decisions, God blesses the fellowship. Many of the new people that we welcome today came because of the decision that you made.

I want to thank you for helping make room for our new attenders. I know that you will welcome them in the same way that you made the decision.

May God bless you all.

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